
let's make something together

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2900 E Nifong Blvd, Columbia, MO
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Phone: (573) 227-2276

Glengarry Glen Ross Cast List

  • By Dana Naylor
  • March 28, 2011

Thank you to everyone who auditioned!! It’s always great when you have choices, and everyone sure did make the choices hard. Without further adieu, we present you with the cast of Glengarry Glen Ross!!

Shelley Levene – Tom Phillips

John Williamson – Josh Webster

Dave Moss – Louie Podlaski

George Aronow – Barrett Brooks

Richard Roma – Rich Olson

James Lingk – David McSpadden

Baylen the Cop – Michael Tuley

Directed by Bill Farfan

Glengarry Glen Ross opens on Friday, May 6th.