
let's make something together

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2900 E Nifong Blvd, Columbia, MO
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Phone: (573) 227-2276

Kitchen Witches Cast List

  • By davismatt
  • May 8, 2013

Here is the cast list for Kitchen Witches for the Maplewood Barn Community Theatre’s 2013 Season.

Dolly…..Teresa Secrease
Isobel…..Margaret Post
Stephen….Sean McCumber
Rob……Joe Bogue

Congratulations to all involved and thank you to all who auditioned for the show.

If you would like to see this fantastic, kitchen comedy, the dates are the following:

Kitchen Witches

June 27-30 and July 3-7 (no July 4 show) 8pm-10pm
“You’ll laugh until your tummy aches at this spoof of cooking shows.”
Directed by Bill Farfan
Click Here to order Tickets 

Box Office Opens: 7:00pm
Show Starts: 8:00pm
Don’t forget your blanket or lawn chair!