
let's make something together

Drop us a line on social media or email. We'd love to help you enjoy the show from the stage or a lawn chair.

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2900 E Nifong Blvd, Columbia, MO
Email us
Phone: (573) 227-2276


New Place to Strut Your Stuff

  • By Mel Wolverson
  • February 23, 2020

In February, 2020, Maplewood Barn replaced their damaged platform with the help of several volunteers and donations.

Volunteers gathered this weekend to finish the platform before the season starts. Carmen Price, Nick Gash, Robert Klick, Brett Hendren, Tom Darrough, Colin Smialek, Richard Harris, Russell Becker and his kids all came out to strip the boards off and arrange the new. 

A HUGE thank you to Boone County Lumber for donating most of the building materials. Another big thank you goes out to those who donated to the Barn during CoMoGives this winter. These donations helped offset building costs.