
let's make something together

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2900 E Nifong Blvd, Columbia, MO
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Phone: (573) 227-2276

Maplewood Barn Plans Fundraising Effort!

  • By Dana Naylor
  • January 4, 2011

Dear Friend of the Maplewood Barn Community Theatre:

In April, our local arts community suffered a blow when the Maplewood Barn Community Theater burned. Almost 40 years of community theater history was demolished in mere hours, and a choice had to be made: replace the structure only to the extent allowed by insurance and park tax funding; or rebuild the Barn bigger and better than ever.

As a member of the Barn’s Board of Directors, I’m excited that the City of Columbia and its Parks and Recreation Department have decided to rebuild and to use this tragedy as an opportunity to develop an exciting vision for the future. The new Barn will be an integral part of Nifong Park’s development, and a focal point of community events in Columbia.
The Board of Directors has been busy planning the rebuilding project with representatives from the City of Columbia and its Parks and Recreation Department as well as many others. Support from the City and insurance settlement funds will provide a wonderful start, but will not cover all rebuilding costs.

With a capital campaign launching in 2011, many have asked how they can help right now. We hope that you will support this project by making a donation to the Maplewood Barn Community Theatre by December 31. Our organization is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) entity and your donation is tax deductible. Donations can be made online at www.maplewoodbarn.com.

You can also mail your donation to:

Maplewood Barn
P.O. Box 1704
Columbia, MO 65205-1704

Thank you and have a wonderful holiday season.

Michael Scott, President
Maplewood Barn Association