
let's make something together

Drop us a line on social media or email. We'd love to help you enjoy the show from the stage or a lawn chair.

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2900 E Nifong Blvd, Columbia, MO
Email us
Phone: (573) 227-2276

Are you ready for a Barn Raising?!!

  • By Dana Naylor
  • June 10, 2011

Great news!!!
On Monday, June 6th, the Columbia City Council voted unanimously in favor of rebuilding the Maplewood Barn!!
Thank you to everyone who has helped us get to this crucial step! We’ve still got a long way to go, so keep up the hard work, donations, and elbow grease! We can’t do it without you.
Now the real work begins…. check back here often for updates and for ways you can be involved in the raising of the new Barn!