
let's make something together

Drop us a line on social media or email. We'd love to help you enjoy the show from the stage or a lawn chair.

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2900 E Nifong Blvd, Columbia, MO
Email us
Phone: (573) 227-2276

New Officers and Board Members Elected

  • By davismatt
  • March 9, 2013

Newly-elected officers of the Maplewood Barn’s Board of Directors are:  Byron Scott, President; Dana Naylor, Vice President;Matthew Davis, Secretary and Christine Staelens, Treasurer.

We are thrilled to announce seven new Board members will begin their terms at the March 11 monthly meeting:  Chris Bowling, Carie Copeland, Val Davis, Robert Klick, Joanna McClure, Margaret Post and Sarah Gerling

The Board’s committees will be headed by continuing members:  Brad Buchanan, Development;  Sharree Rose, Marketing  and Molly Dodge, Production.