
let's make something together

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2900 E Nifong Blvd, Columbia, MO
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Tigers on the Prowl

  • By Dana Naylor
  • August 13, 2015


The Maplewood Barn is excited and proud to be a part of this unique Columbia fundraising event. Tigers on the Prowl is a fundraiser that helps grow awareness for businesses, charities, and artists. This year, the Maplewood Barn is partnering with Cost Cutters, and our tiger is painted by Kristina Grant, who helps paint many of our sets. On July 24th at the Columbia Mall, we will be “unleashing” our tiger for everyone to see. You can also see our tiger at restaurants, grocery stores, and even at Roots & Blues!

After the “unleashing”, we will have a little over two months to raise as much money as we can, and there are so many ways to help! You can go to tigersontheprowl.org and make a donation by clicking on our tiger, “Barnie”, which will go directly to the Maplewood Barn. The tigers will be showcased around town, and at different restaurant nights you can donate just by spending a night out with the family! Cost Cutters, our partnering business, will have special coupons for you to donate when you get a haircut.

And lastly, we will be holding a fundraiser in September to raise money not only for the Barn, but to keep our tiger. Tigers on the Prowl culminates in a live auction on October 2nd, where you can bid on each of the tigers, and where all bids go directly to the charities. We at the Barn would love to have this unique statue be a fixture at the Barn, and would love your help in getting it there! We are extremely grateful for the support that we receive from our audience and volunteers year after year; with Tigers on the Prowl we look forward to reaching a whole new audience, and reconnecting with those who haven’t seen us in a while. If you are interested in a higher level of donation or sponsorship, including ways to get our tiger at your business or event, please contact us at maplewoodbarntheatre@gmail.com