
let's make something together

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2900 E Nifong Blvd, Columbia, MO
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Phone: (573) 227-2276

“Theatre under the Stars: An Informal, Pictorial History of Maplewood Barn Community Players“

  • By Dana Naylor
  • October 9, 2011

That’s the working title of a special book being prepared for release at the dedication of the new Maplewood Barn next summer. Whether you have acted in a Maplewood show, served on one of its committees or simply been an audience member, we would like to hear from you.

Do you have any Barn pictures, materials or show photos that we can scan for possible publication? Would you like one of the co-authors to interview you about your Maplewood memories? The “Barnies” want your contribution.

Please contact either Byron Scott (scottbt@missouri.edu) or Michael Scott (sloane1@msn.com). Be a part of Maplewood’s history!